The 6 pieces below are from a series of painting on book pages from the book Possible Worlds by J.B.S. Haldane, originally published in 1927. The book features a collection of 35 essays by Haldane, and each essay served as a starting point for a pair of paintings. The painted pages layered behind the Haldane pages are from the book Science and Education by Thomas Huxley, published in 1893. Each set of pages is 7x9.” Due to possible copyright concerns, only 6 of 35 works are shown below.

Oxygen Want. 2018. Gouache on altered and layered book pages.


Time Factor. 2019. Gouache on altered and layered book pages.


On Being One’s Own Rabbit. 2019. Gouache on altered and layered book pages.


What Use is Astronomy? 2019. Gouache on altered and layered book pages.


Science and Politics. 2019. Gouache on altered and layered book pages.


Occupational Mortality. 2020. Gouache on altered and layered book pages.


Return to the Place 2019


Platonic Meanderings 2016